Garbage is a classic problem for all people, especially the urban community . The more dense the population , the more the amount of plastic waste generated . To prevent the buildup of plastic waste and reduce the impact of bad , there are several ways you can do . One way is by leveraging back plastic waste into something useful such as handicrafts .
Crafts by utilizing plastic waste if such dikreasikan apart can be a useful article can also increase the resale value of plastic garbage itself. Examples of crafts made from plastic garbage bag is pretty unique and pretty lost with desiccant bag fabric base . Here's how to make beautiful bags , handicrafts from plastic waste :
4 plastic finish with 450 ml size with color and corang the tune . ( 2 applied to the front side and back while the two were again used for the left and right sides ) .
50 cm bisban to be used as a rope bag, measure the width of 3 cm .
1 m bisban that measure 2 cm wide .
4 cm adhesive .
30 cm lace cotton bags as a sweetener .
Needle size 16 and colored sewing thread synch with plastic.
How to Manufacture :
Clear plastic packaging or plastic trash from all impurities . Could do with a wipe or soak with warm water . But do not earn too hot as this may break the plastic texture .
Cut 2 pieces of plastic trim to size according to what you want. Cut both finish with the same ukurang .
Then cut two other finishes ( to be worn on the side and right) into two sections with a width of 7 cm . Sewing bisban completed on each side of the wide finish cut .
Install and sewing glue on the inside of the front side and back side using a sewing machine .
Install and sewing bisban width of 3 cm on the plastic surface as a string bag ( front and back side )
And while sewing lace for bags once bisban sweetener on the side of the plastic trim front and rear .
Connect the edges have been cut to the size of 7 cm ( for the right and left side bags ) so as to form a long sheet .
Then connect the ( no.7 ) with a plastic sheet to the front side and rear with a sewing machine .
The last step , install bisban on the side of the bag .
Be beautiful bags with plastic garbage materials .
Make beautiful bags as hand-crafted with desiccant plastic garbage policy , then you have to get two benefits at once. In addition you have a beautiful bag , you also taking part in the rescue environment from the threat of bad plastic trash . Happy be creative at home
Beautiful Bags , Plastic Crafts From Trash
Ahmad Khoironi